Awareness and knowledge grow once you share them
Course: Vulnerability in Socio-Ecological Systems - Interdisciplinary -(University of Hamburg - Winter semester 2023/2024)
The study of Socio-Ecological Systems (SESs) is rooted in multidisciplinary research. Consequently, the literature presents several competing concepts of vulnerability and adaptive capacity, with no consensus on their meaning. We learn indicators and tools for the assessment of vulnerability in various socio-ecological systems.​ -
Learning Objective:
This course introduce students methodologies to assess vulnerability in socio-ecological systems embracing concepts from multiple areas of research such as economics and social-sciences
Course: Microeconomics - Assistant Lecturer​ (Universidad de los Andes -2013)
Course of microeconomics at the economics faculty, designing activities and evaluating ​
​Course: Operational Research - Lecturer (Universidad Antonio Narino -2012-2015)
- Teaching optimization methods to students at the enginering faculty.​